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Patriotic Entertainer Dave Bray USA To Headline 2020 East Coast Thunder.

The Hogs and Heroes Foundation and Old Glory Harley Davidson are Proud to Announce Patriotic Entertainer and National Touring Musician Dave Bray USA will be headlining this year’s East Coast Thunder event.

Dave Bray USA is a United States Veteran. He served in the US Navy as an 8404 FMF Corpsman for the 2nd Battalion/2nd Marines, (Sniper PLT), stationed out of Camp Lejeune, NC.

Dave is now a national touring musician, singer and songwriter, and has dedicated his musical career to supporting U.S. Veterans, Active Duty Military, Fire, Police and First Responders.

He considers his music a continuation of his service and uses his powerful voice to Honor our American Heroes.

Dave's new album, "MUSIC ON A MISSION" is available on iTunes and includes his breakout single, "Last Call," a heart touching tribute to Fallen Police and their Families.

"Last Call" has brought peace to families, comfort to survivors and strength to those still holding that thin blue line.

Click here to find out more about East Coast Thunder and Dave Bray USA.

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